July 22, 2018

We count on our homes to be a place to weather the storms of life. If it’s your weekend place, your city basecamp, or your winter home, if it’s in Georgia, you can count on storms of other sorts, too.
Unfortunately, there are things out there that threaten our homes which are mostly weather-related. Wind, sun, ice, snow, fire, heat, rain; all of these are things that can turn our homes from those places of rest into places of disruption and problems.
Weathering the Storms by Making Your Home Resilient
Similar to how we desire lives of resiliency, lives that can weather storms and re-group well after storms, there are things we can do to make our homes more resilient. We invite you to take a look at some of the things we can do to prepare our homes for uncertain times, including metal roofing.
Starting with an Envelope of Protection, our list, explanations, and resources of things that help make your home more resilient addresses a wide range of ideas and challenges. The article comes from our partner, Isaiah Industries, No matter where you live, at least one of these disrupters could sadly come to your home and life:
- Temperature Extremes
- Rain and Floods
- Wind
- Fire
- Food and Water
- Loss of Power
You can read more about these disruptors and how to plan for resiliency when they come to your home, here.
Personal Resilience
Personal resilience, the ability to overcome and even thrive despite life’s circumstances, is a trait to be admired. With a little extra effort and following the ideas we’ve outlined in the Isaiah Industries Journal, you can make your home just as resilient as you are.
Metal Roofing is a Great Place to Start on Resiliency
To create an “envelope of protection” for your home, metal roofing is a good first step toward making your home resilient. We are Atlanta’s metal roofing specialists and are prepared to help you prepare for the storms. Are you ready?